Case Studies

Project Sponsor
A Successful Retailer


Company wanted to franchise their successful business model but needed a business plan.


Developed a comprehensive business plan that included goals and objectives, services to be offered, target customers, market strategy, competitive analysis, personnel plan, key success factors, key risks &mitigation strategies, timing and capital requirements.Analyzed sales, margins,contribution and inventory levels.  Analyzed processes for internal operations. Examined product mix, display, organization and merchandising in general.


With the expansion plan in place, the company was able to begin the process of becoming a franchisor. 


Strategic Planning / Project Management



They wanted to franchise their business but the company’s drive to franchise was stalled without a roadmap on how to proceed.
Strategic Planning / Project Management
Case studies


Project Sponsor: Services Provider Company (Tech)

MARKA’s management/ ownership were unable to decide which initiatives to undertake and did not want to proceed until a cohesive approach was developed.


Project Sponsor: A Successful Retailer

They wanted to franchise their business but the company’s drive to franchise was stalled without a roadmap on how to proceed.


Project Sponsor: Retail Stores Chain (Clothing)

Business was marginally profitable and only a slowdown in demand served as a wake-up call for the company.


Project Sponsor: Wholesale (Pharmaceutical)

Unprofitable Sales, Negative cash flow, Family owned business.


Project Sponsor: Industrial Company (Food Industry)

Company had an excellent product quality well engineered production but was unable to grow sales above a modest level. Marginally profitable.