
Consultative Selling Workshop


Consultative Selling Workshop




1. Adaptation of the theoretical approach to the commercial temperament of the organization.

Starting from a detailed mapping of the as-is business internal and external environment, concerning processes and structure, competition and market data, we create an action frame based on commercial processes.

So is always available the visualization of the way the company perceive the sales and service process. By this way we can define and promote, the competitive advantage to the sales people, as they can easy track every step of the supply chain, improving the commercial process and the way that the competitive advantage is offered to the customer.


2. We emphasize to the customer knowledge and to the recognition of the problem that our solution is going to solve.

  • The sales person has to be prepared reading and analyzing customer’s status before the presentation.
  • To listen is more important than speak, and is not as easy as looks.
  • There are not wrong answers but only wrong questions.
  • The customer has the problem we have the solution.


3.    Sales is not an art…it is a process.

          Time is priceless for all.


4.    Consultative Selling

          Trust, trust, trust.    


The Content


New Sales Principles

  • Informed customer
  • Dynamic opening instead of strong closing


The myths in sales

  • The very talkative sells.
  • You are thinking  you are selling?


 Customer Study

  • ‘Reading’ – Analysis
  • Finding common ground in the seller-customer history


The Presentation

  • Sell ​​the way the customer wants to buy… Not the way you want to sell
  • Solutions and Answers ..
  • What do I want my client to do next?
  • Sales Models


The moment of truth

  • Project Sales Management
  • The sense of duration
  • The sense of change
  • Trust


The Constant communication

  • I return at the right time



For any discussion please  contact:

Stamatis Salonikis

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