
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning


A continuous and systematic process where senior management makes decisions about the company’s future, develops the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future, and determines how success is to be measured

  • Continuous refers to the view that strategic planning must be an ongoing process, not merely an event to produce a plan.
  • Systematic recognizes that strategic planning must be a structured and deliberate effort, not something that happens on its own.
  • Process recognizes that one of the benefits of strategic planning is to undertake thinking strategically about the future and how to get there, which is much more than production of a document (e.g., a strategic plan).
  • Senior Management identifies not only top management but also business unit managers and other executives.
  • Procedures and operations to achieve that future means the full spectrum of actions and activities from aligning the organization behind clear long-term goals to putting in place organizational and personal incentives, allocating resources, and developing the workforce to achieve the desired outcomes.
  • How success is to be measured recognizes that strategic planning must use appropriate measures to determine whether the organization has achieved success.

We plan and facilitate management  to define the four essential layers of a successful strategic corporate pyramid:


  1. Strategic Goals. What we want to achieve in terms of growth, products, markets and profits.
  2. Improvement Objectives. Measurable performance improvements set within certain timeframes and tied to specific strategic goals.
  3. Action Plans. Translate the objectives into specific steps, roles, plans and cross functional teams for implementing the plans to achieve the objectives.
  4. Performance Measures. Quantitative means of reviewing, evaluating and updating actions, improvement objectives, strategic goals and processes performance.



A continuous and systematic process where senior management makes decisions about the company’s future, develops the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future, and determines how success is to be measured

Need analytic planning, excellent business processes and reliable measurements