
Sales Organization Redesign

Sales Organization Redesign

Following a systematic mapping of the existing situation, we can plan and implement the design for a total change of the Commercial Department or a section of the Commercial Sales Operations with particular accents in certain from the following subjects, reorganize the roles, the tools or the policies.

The Adaptation of the most optimal theoretical approach in the commercial temperament of each enterprise, is our approach . We do not believe that there are solutions fit to all and we dont copy and paste.

Beginning from the mapping of existing situation, we shape a frame of action, for the clarification of commercial processes, so as to exist always available, the visualization of flows of work in each phase of work. With this way, traceability of all grey areas in the commercial operation is easy, in all levels: Strategic, Operational and Organizational.

Thus the following areas of offered services and tools, on the one hand are consolidated with homogeneity into corporate environment and on the other hand are always easily accessible for control in the functionality and their efficiency.

Time Management

  • Per organisational Level
  • Time in the market time in the office
  • Internal meetings


Sales Team Development

  • Team Administration
  • Understanding & Internal communication


Customers Management

  • Sales Process
  • Customers Relationship Management
  • Key Customers Management


Market Coverage

  • Market Segmentation
  • Customers Categorisation
  • Route to market
  • Contacts Planning


Salesmen Coaching

  • Motivation
  • Guidance
  • Rewarding
  • Feedback


Sales Reporting

  • Design of Structured reporting system.


For any discussion concerning the Sales Department Tools, Organization or  Processes don’t hesitate to contact us:


Stamatis Salonikis

We can, intervene in the total operation of Commercial Department or with particular accents in certain from the following subjects, reorganize the roles, the tools or the policies

Need analytic planning, excellent business processes and reliable measurements