Business Transformation: The Critical principles

Business Transformation Principles


Nothing is more important these days than the need for businesses to transform, either because they didn’t do it when they should or because their competitive advantage is in crisis due to technological or other parameters of change, that are happening around, in this volatile era.

The following ten points of care in a transformation course are a useful guide for surviving the most difficult task in any business:


  • Thoroughly understand the existing company’s culture and start from there. Starting from   the current cultural environment is a must to avoid alienation.


  • Start at the very top.  If there is no support at the top, all planned transformations will fail.


  • Involve mid-management from the earliest beginnings; they make or break change  journeys.


  • Persuade people not just rationally but also emotionally of the pressing urge to make  changes.


  • Every successful change path starts with behavioral change. If the line’s associates begin to behave differently, the structural change follows spontaneously.


  • Communicate intensely and consistently, and don’t overlook the tiniest successes.


  • Don’t also forget to involve the informal leaders and influencers. Do not underestimate   their power!


  • Customize KPIs and remuneration schemes to the new way of working.


  • Don’t forget to monitor and fine-tune continuously.


Above all, be exceptionally modest. Leaders, women also, produce greater testosterone levels, which helps to decide in critical moments. Still, the drawback is that narcissistic traits can arise, causing the leaders to turn a blind eye to his fellow employee’s good advice.



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